Most dog bite wounds are caused by the family pet, or a neighbor’s dog, not the stray dog. Most bite wounds are facial and are a potential source of infection. There are 10 commandments to use to prevent a dog bite from occurring. These 10 commandments for dog bite prevention are:
- DO - Children should be properly educated on the treatment of dogs. They should be taught to never disturb a dog while it is sleeping or eating. They should never mistreat, tease, or try to take away food or toys from the dog. They should also never pet or play with a dog or animal that they do not know.
DO - Your child should be at least 6 years old before you consider buying a dog. This is especially true with the larger breeds of dogs. When considering the purchase of a dog, investigate the breeder and background of the dog thoroughly. Always go to a reputable breeder.
DO - Provide proper adult supervision whenever small children are around dogs including the family pet. The adult presence will aid in inhibiting any threatening or aggressive behavior from the dog directed at the child.
DO - Learn and obey the dog laws in your area. Most areas have a leash law to prevent injuries to your dog as well as humans. Keep your dog on a leash and do not permit a young person to lead a large dog. A loose dog has a tendency to be more aggressive when in the general vicinity of their homes and with their owners.
DO - Dog ownership is a privilege and a responsibility. As a dog owner, you are given the privilege of having a loyal companion, and a best friend to share your life with. You also have a responsibility to your dog and your neighbors. Your responsibility to your neighbors is to not keep aggressive dogs in a residential area, and to ensure that fences are adequate to prevent easy access by small children.
DO - Make sure that your dog is kept current on all vaccinations. This is especially true about a rabies vaccination - It’s the Law
DON’T - If attacked do not try to out run, kick at, or scream at the dog. This will only intensify the dogs attacking excitement especially when a large group of dogs are involved. The best preventative is to stand still and turn side ways. This will give the dog a smaller target to aim for. If this fails, try giving the dog your jacket or some other object to bite. An attacking dog is not particular about what it is biting.- DO - Try to avoid territorial invasions. An attacking dog is usually protecting it’s territory.
DO - If you are bitten by a dog, try to remember a description, the location, and a possible owner. This will assist authorities in identifying the dog to determine the vaccination records or allowing for testing to determine the health of the dog. Wash the wound thoroughly with lots of soapy water. Always report the bite to proper authorities, especially if the owner is unknown to you, and seek medical attention.
DO - Reduce the risk of dangerous encounters by providing an educational program for potential victims. Promote in schools and groups public awareness of dog bite prevention and treatment of wounds. These programs will reduce the incidence of encounters which could result in maiming, death, and unnecessary doctor bills.