Pet Food Deaths Baffle Scientists - The exact cause of the ongoing threat to cats and dogs is still baffling to scientists.
US study finds potential dog food link to canine heart disease
"Dog Fighting Detailed Discussion" - A Michigan State University College of Law Discussion.
Annual Vaccines May Not be Necessary - Schultz, professor and chair of pathobiological sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, has been studying the effectiveness of canine vaccines since the 1970s; he's learned that immunity can last as long as a dog's lifetime, which suggests that our "best friends" are being over-vaccinated.
Rabies Challenge Fund Researched Rabies Vaccine timing.
Defense of the American Pit Bull Terrier - Mission Statement: To defend the American Pit Bull Terrier Worldwide, To oppose Breed Specific Legislation that targets the American Pit Bull Terrier, To promote the American Pit Bull Terrier in a positive way, To counter misinformation, hysteria, and myths about the American Pit Bull Terrier. (NOT SSL secure)
Terrierman - A great site with good links for "America's Working Terriers".
Beagler - Hunting Legislation & Gun Law Beagles Board.
Free Pet Stuff - Who doesn't love a freebie?
Responsible Pet Owners Alliance
NAIA 'Pet Friendly' Guide - Still not sure about this group, they are against tethering, and I have seen conflicting reports generally.
War Dog Memorial - A Tribute to the War Dogs of the US Military.
Sportsmen's and Animal Owners' Voting Alliance - The Sportsmen's and Animal Owners' Voting Alliance (SAOVA) is a nationwide, non-partisan group of volunteers committed to maintaining and protecting our sporting and animal ownership heritages.
Raids Target Animal Rights Extremists - Thirty people were arrested May 1, 2007 on suspicion of involvement in animal rights extremism in a series of raids that targeted 29 UK addresses and three in Europe.
Animal Rights National Conference - Keep an eye on these ARs.
Who's Who of the AR movement - The Animal Rights FAQ: Who's Who.
"30 days" - Animal Rights Reality show.
The Institute for Animals and Society / Animal Rights Network, Inc - A good page to keep an eye on.
Find Registered and Convicted Sex Offenders - Enter an address to view a map of registered sex offenders in that area or search by name.
Save the Internet - Congress is pushing a law that would abandon the Internet's First Amendment, based on what sites pay the most.