I am just a dog breeder’s husband I no longer rule my domain Even if kindly invited From opinions I wisely refrain. |
It appears that his eyesight is failing His errors in judgment immense In fact if I didn’t know better You’d doubt that he had any sense. |
I am just a glorified kennel boy Of minor Importance I know It seems that my primary function Is merely providing the dough. |
One finds that amateur’s bungling No match for professional skill A handler can hide what an owner admits As he tries hard his conscience to still. |
Now dog breeding’s not inexpensive As you all are no doubt aware But the problem’s not so much the money As the bustle, the wear and tear. |
The din and utter confusion Of everyone talking at once Leaves one weary, hoarse and irascible And the next day a bleary-eyed dunce. |
Having studied the layback of shoulder And becoming an expert on feet I still have not learned to give worm pills Or how much a puppy should eat. |
Sometimes late in the evening I am asked if I do not agree That Who-z-ma-call-its Bridget Is somewhat down at the knee. |
My spouse will spend hours trimming A ‘Bred By Exhibitor Bitch‘ But when it comes to scratching my back Her thoughts are to let the thing itch. |
But before I can answer the question I find that my answer’s ignored For some inexplicable reason My questioner’s suddenly bored. |
Some summer I hope that my wife’ll Take me wandering in some foreign vale Instead of inspecting the stifle Of some special stud at Hinsdale. |
I am only a dog breeder’s husband Not that I mean to complain But I find certain aspects amazing When I aspire my role to explain. |
Oft in a crowded motel room After the show is o’er Someone will question the judge’s decision While they reach for another drink more. |
I know at least where I’m going I’m rapidly going to seed But I’ve learned about ‘Winner’s Bitches‘ I’ve married the ‘˜Best of the Breed.’ |
- Unknown